The modular showcase systems for [premium] products for Wienerberger Porotherm were born as a result of our design collaboration with Tact s.r.l. and following the rebranding of the bricks and clay roof tiles producing company.
The showcase system used in the present is considered outdated thus the company feels the need to replace it with innovating design systems that have to be both modular (to adapt to the various places where they will be exposed) and functional.
We began imagining these prototypes from the essence of bricks - clay - and from the tight bond that this material has with nature. Soil (clay) is at the same time ingredient/matter in brick production and support for the vegetal layer. By reversing this reality we arrived upon a paradox where the vegetal layer that extract its nourishment from clay, becomes the support for its manifestation in architecture.
We presented this paradox in the showcase modules that use materials such as steel tubes and tempered glass and we tried to imprint them a touch of contemporaneity by using LED lightning and “post P.C. technology” for a better representation of the client.
Design Team: Anamaria Moldovan, Florin-Vasile Lazar, Paul-Mihai Moldovan
Collaborator[s]: s.c. Tact s.r.l
Design Year: 2012
Status: Completed
Material[s]: Steel tubes and tempered glass
Technique[s]: Welding and molding
Manufacturer: s.c. Tact s.r.l
Text: ateliercetrei
Photographer[s]: Dacian Groza, Catalin Budusan